

“Schools and Programme / Teaching
of Byzantine Music ~ Psaltic Art”
Organizational & Program Committee
His Holiness Metropolitan Philotheos of Thessaloniki 
• Gregorios Stathis, Emeritus Professor, UoA
• Achilles Chaldeakis, Professor, UoA
• Thomas Apostolopoulos, Associate Professor, UoA
• Flora Kritikou, Associate Professor, UoA
• Gregorios Anastasiou, PhD - Director of the IBM
Tel.  & Fax (+30)210 3843545
Mob. Tel.  (+30)6942576845
Web site: www.ibyzmusic.gr
E-mail: Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
The IXth International Conference organized by the Institute of Byzantine Musicology will take place this year in Thessaloniki on 28 November -1 December 2024 with the usual main theme “Theoria and Praxis of the Psaltic Art”, organized and executed in collaboration with the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki. This ninth conference, following suit with the previous eight, maintains its dual character emphasizing both musicological and psaltic /artistic aspects. This scheme allows for the call for papers inviting all scholars, chanters-musicologists and chanters-artists to participate, as well as the selection of about ten choirs from Greece and abroad.
Under the fundamental thematic axis “Theoria and praxis of the Psaltic Art” the conference shall have the specified theme of 
“Schools and Programme / Teaching of Byzantine Music ~ Psaltic Art”
Hence, the scholarly musicologists and musicological chanters are kindly invited to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and clarification of particular issues according to the following thematic points:
• History of Psaltic Art teaching; Schools, teaching methods, theoretical treatises.
• Didactics of the Psaltic Art and related music-pedagogical topics.
• Teaching and spreading the Psaltic Art in new cultural environments.
• Psaltic Art, its adaptation and teaching, in various languages.
• Technology at the service of psaltic education.
• Analysis, teaching and presentation of psaltic compositions.
• Contemporary situation of music-psaltic and musicological studies; description, analysis and perspectives.
organization and schedule
The Conference will be held at the Confe-rence Center of the  «Saint Gregorios Palamas» Institute of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki  (N. Plastira 65, 54250 Thessaloniki, +30 2310397800) during the three days, Thursday to Saturday, 28-30 November 2024, morning until noon, and the psaltic performances will take place in selected monumental churches of the city of Thessaloniki from Thursday 28 of November  to Sunday 1 of December according to the following schedule:
Thursday, 28 November 2024
­Morning - noon: commencement - indivi-dual scientific announcements
­Evening: keynote speech by emeritus Professor Gregorios Stathis, and psaltic performance by “The Maestors of the Psaltic Art”
Friday, 29 November 2024
­Morning - noon: individual scientific announcements
­Evening: psaltic performance (two to three choirs)
Saturday, 30 November 2024
­Morning - noon: individual scientific announcements
­Evening: psaltic performance (two to three choirs)
Sunday, 1 December 2024
­Morning: Orthros and Divine Liturgy delivered by His Holiness the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Filotheos (two choirs)
­Evening: psaltic performance (two to three choirs)
invitation and call for papers
Scholars and researchers in the fields of the theory and practice of the Psaltic Art, university instructors, musicologists and chanters involved in any area of the conference’s theme are invited to participate.
Participation is possible either via the presentation of scientific announcements lasting 20 minutes during the morning sessions or short presentations lasting 10 minutes during the noon sessions. During the noon sessions the utilization of graphics, posters (i.e. photographs of manuscripts, tables of theoretical clarification, bibliographical information, etc.) is possible. Furthermore, the participation of chanters and musicians as auditors, as well as any interested in participating in the discussion groups of the Conference is highly encou-raged.
All types of participants must submit a re-gistration application. Please state clearly the title of the proposed announcement, as well as the types of presentation material that will be needed. The registration form must be received by the organizational committee by 15 August 2024 and may be submitted via e-mail: 
Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε. 
To propose a paper please submit an abstract in Greek or English to a maximum of three hundred words and attach a short biographical note or very select CV. Decisions will be announced by 10 September 2024 by the organizational and program committee.
The official conference languages are Greek and English.
participation fee
The conference participation fee is fifty euros (50€) per participant. The organization is unable to cover any expenses, but it may be able to help with finding accommodation at special rates.
Participation fees are transferred to the bank account, given in the notification email and approval letter.


  • Διεύθυνση: Ἀκαδημίας 95, Αθήνα Τ.Κ. 10677
  • Τηλέφωνα: 210-3843545 & 6942576845
  • Φαξ: 210-3843545
  • E-mail: info@ibyzmusic.gr